Saturday, April 2, 2011

Getting Started with Arduino

Posted by rinson

This section will explain how to set up your Arduino and the IDE for the first time. The instructions forWindows and Macs (running OSX 10.3.9 or later) are given. If you use Linux, refer to the Getting Startedinstructions on the Arduino website at I will also presumeyou are using an Arduino Uno. If you have a different type of board, such as the Duemilanove (see Figure
1-4), then refer to the corresponding page in the Getting Started guide of the Arduino website.You will also need a USB cable (A to B plug type) which is the same kind of cable used for mostmodern USB printers. If you have an Arduino Nano, you will need a USB A to Mini-B cable instead. Donot plug in the Arduino just yet, wait until I tell you to do so.

Next, download the Arduino IDE. This is the software you will use to write your programs (orsketches) and upload them to your board. For the latest IDE go to the Arduino download page at and obtain appropriate the version for your OS.

Windows XP Installation
Once you have downloaded the latest IDE, unzip the file and double-click the unzipped folder to open it.You will see the Arduino files and sub-folders inside. Next, plug in your Arduino using the USB cable andensure that the green power LED (labeled PWR) turns on. Windows will say “Found new hardware:Arduino Uno” and the Found New Hardware Wizard will appear. Click next and Windows will attempt toload the drivers.This process will fail. This is nothing to worry about; it’s normal.Next, right-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop and choose Manage. The Computer
Management window will open up. Now go down to Event Manager in the System Tools list and click it.In the right hand window, you’ll see a list of your devices. The Arduino Uno will appear on the list with ayellow exclamation mark icon over it to show that the device has not been installed properly. Right clickon this and choose Update Driver. Choose “No, not this time” from the first page and click next. Thenchoose “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)” and click next again. Now click the “Includethis location in the search” and click Browse. Navigate to the Drivers folder of the unzipped Arduino IDEand click Next. Windows will install the driver and you can then click the Finish button.The Arduino Uno will now appear under Ports in the device list and will show you the port numberassigned to it (e.g. COM6). To open the IDE double-click the Arduino icon in its folder